Glyceryl Oleate


What is it? 

Glyceryl Oleate is a yellowish compound produced by the esterification of two plant-derived constituents, glyceryl, and oleic acid. It is found in hair and skin lipids. Glyceryl oleate is derived from fruit sugars and coconut or produce it in laboratories from glycerin and plant-derived oils.  Glyceryl oleate for hair works as an excellent conditioner and glossing agent. For concerns about toxic surfactant ingredients in shampoos and hair products, glyceryl oleate serves as a natural, safer alternative that is also water friendly and biodegradable. 

What are the benefits to my hair/skin/well-being? 

  • Cleansing 
  • Shine 
  • Hydrating 


EWG’s Skin Deep Score = 1 

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